Friday, September 25, 2009

G 20 Members

G-20 sets ambitious goals, but short on details

PITTSBURGH — World leaders lined up Friday behind sweeping promises to fix a malfunctioning global economic system in hopes of heading off future financial meltdowns. For now, they said, they would keep stimulus programs going “until recovery is assured.”

“We will need to work together as we manage the transition to a more balanced pattern of global growth,” the leaders of 20 wealthy and developing nations said in a draft statement as they wrapped up two days of talks.

In the first international summit hosted by President Barack Obama, the G-20 moved to give China and other fast-growing economies a bigger say in decision-making and to crack down on greedy bankers.

They agreed to make themselves the lead group for tackling international economic issues in the future, eclipsing the older, Western-dominated Group of Eight.

They moved to require members to subject their economic policies to the scrutiny of a peer review process that would determine whether they were “collectively consistent” with sustainable global growth. They promised tighter and more coordinated financial regulation.

And, repeating pledges from G-20 summits in November and April, when financial panic was rampant, they vowed anew to “reject protectionism in all its forms.” They also went along with Obama’s push for a pledge to withdraw government subsidies for fossil fuels such as oil, coal and natural gas believed to contribute to global warming.

While issuing the lofty vows, the leaders failed to define how to accomplish many of them and were quickly back to bickering over details.

They did not suggest, for instance, how the peer review process would be enforced. And they failed to mention that previous pledges to avoid protectionism had been ignored by nearly all 20 members.

Disagreements over whether China should gain voting strength in the International Monetary Fund at the expense of European nations and over global warming language marred the summit.

The final statement said voting powers in the IMF “should reflect the relative weights of its members in the world economy, which have changed substantially in view of the strong growth in dynamic emerging market and developing countries.”

Now, developed industrialized nations wield about 57 percent of the voting rights in the IMF to about 43 percent for developing nations. The G-20 leaders called for shifting shares from developed powers to emerging ones by at least 5 percentage points. They called for a similar shift at the World Bank. European countries, particularly France and Britain, have been resisting such changes.

Despite these disputes, participants were quick to proclaim success.

“The old system of international economic cooperation is over. The new system, as of today, has begun,” declared British Prime Minister Gordon Brown, referring to the enhanced status for the Group of 20.

“I have the impression that we are on a successful path,” said German Chancellor Angela Merkel, before leaving Pittsburgh to fly back to Berlin, where she faces German voters on Sunday.

The summit partners did heed a warning, sounded frequently by Obama, to resist unwinding stimulus programs too quickly to avoid relapses.

“In the short-run, we must continue to implement our stimulus programs to support economic activity until recovery clearly has taken hold,” the draft said.

Summit partners held a series of discussions Friday on difficult problems still confronting the economy.

Obama circulated among the leaders before the talks began, speaking to Chinese President Hu Jintao and Russian President Dmitry Medvedev.

Said Hu: “The foundation of an economic rebound is not yet solid, with many uncertainties remaining. A full economic recovery will take a slow and tortuous process.”

In an apparent reference to a recent trade spat in which the United States imposed punitive tariffs on Chinese tire imports, Hu called on the leaders to “resolutely oppose and reject protectionism in all forms.”

Leaders papered over differences on the executive bonus issue by avoiding language for specific caps, something that France had pushed for but that the United States had opposed. A U.S. push for stronger requirements for bank capital — the cushion that banks hold against loan losses — was included, but with many of the specifics over how the capital would be determined left to set at later meetings.

The leaders also agreed to a U.S. proposal for a “framework for strong, sustainable and balanced growth” to deal with such issues as China’s huge trade surpluses and the soaring U.S. budget deficit.

The streets of Pittsburgh were generally calm. A few thousand demonstrators pledging nonviolence banged drums, danced and held signs advocating assorted causes. The march had a city permit and organizers pledged to keep it nonviolent. On Thursday, a march without a permit and other demonstrations ended with clashes with police and nearly 70 arrests.

Associated Press writers Pan Pylas, Michael Fischer, Foster Klug, Ben Feller and Daniel Lovering contributed to this report.

(This version CORRECTS that developing nations now have 43 percent of the voting rights in the IMF, not 48 percent.)

Thursday, September 24, 2009

g20 summit on pittsburgh

The last "Made in America" rally took place in Pennsylvania. Members of the United Steelworkers and other unions joined forces with environmentalists to show their support for clean energy and climate legislation just before world leaders pull into town for the G20 Summit.

G20 meetings usually take place in capitols of international finance such as London or Berlin. This one is in Pittsburgh.

How did this gritty city on the edge of America's industrial heartland get elevated to the ranks of Beijing? Because Pittsburgh is the right place for the times.

This G20 Summit it occurring in the middle of a global recession, in the middle of the U.S. debate about climate legislation, and in the middle of the run-up to international climate talks in Copenhagen in December.

Pittsburgh ties these issues together quite well. By hosting the G20 Summit in a former steel town that has transformed itself into a booming center of green technology, the Obama administration is underscoring the power of clean energy solutions to both launch us out of the financial crisis and confront the climate crisis at the same time.

The union members who are turning out for the Made in America rally grasp this connection. Workers across Pennsylvania -- not just Pittsburgh -- know what is like to find a good-paying green job after getting laid off from conventional manufacturers.

People like Jim Bauer. At 48, he was forced to retire from his job as a crane operator for the United States Steel Corp. in Fairless Hills, PA. Bauer looked around at the area's shuttered mills and worried about his options. But then Spanish wind energy giant Gamesa moved in to Fairless Hills. It bought several mill properties and started hiring.

Now Bauer constructs windmill hubs in the building that used to house his old steel mill's machine shop.

Rich McBride, a steelworker from Edensburg, PA, found a similar lifeline. After 30 years melting down metals for the steel industry, McBride had already been through two plant shutdowns. Tired of the insecurity, he took a job working maintenance and grounds for a local school district, but had trouble making ends meet.

Then an old friend recommended him for a job at Axion Power, a company that develops batteries for hybrid cars. McBride was not only qualified, but he also liked what the company was doing.

"GM and all are getting batteries from Korea and Japan for their hybrid cars -- that's not acceptable," McBride said. "These are American cars, let's make American batteries."

The green jobs haven't arrived in Pennsylvania by accident. Governor Ed Rendell and other leaders have made a concerted effort to attract green jobs with innovative policies -- such as a requirement that utilities generate 18 percent of their energy from renewables.

These efforts have paid off for Pennsylvanian workers, yet the state has much more untapped potential. According to a recent report by the Political Economy Research Institute, Pennsylvania could produce a total of 71,667 clean energy jobs.

But Pennsylvania can't realize this potential on its own. It needs a national commitment to clean energy investment to take it to the next level.

Hopefully, the presence of foreign finance ministers in Pittsburgh will remind U.S. lawmakers that the race to dominate the clean energy market is on. America can seize this opportunity to revitalize our manufacturing base or we can lose the technological advantage to China and India. If we choose the latter, we will lose the jobs as well.

Because even though U.S. climate legislation is tied into the elaborate process of international treaty negotiations, it is also our fastest way to create good-paying jobs right here at home.

This post originally appeared on NRDC's Switchboard blog.

Friday, August 7, 2009

10 perusahaan terbesar dunia — Perusahaan minyak asal Belanda, Royal Dutch Shell, menggeser perusahaan ritel AS, untuk meraih posisi teratas dalam daftar 500 perusahaan tersukses di dunia versi majalah Fortune. Hal ini semakin mengokohkan posisi Shell sebagai salah satu perusahaan minyak terbaik di dunia.

Berdasarkan daftar terbaru yang dirilis Fortune, pada tahun 2008 Shell berhasil menarik pendapatan sebesar 458,361 juta dollar AS dengan laba 26,277 juta dollar AS. Meski secara persentase Shell mengalami penurunan laba dibanding tahun 2007, hal tersebut tidak menghalangi Shell naik 2 peringkat untuk mencapai posisi puncak.

Bertengger di bawah Shell adalah kompetitor utamanya, Exxon Mobil. Exxon Mobil memang gagal meraih gelar juara sebagai perusahaan tersukses di dunia, tetapi setidaknya mereka berhasil meraih peringkat pertama sebagai perusahaan Amerika tersukses. Tercatat Exxon berhasil meraih pendapatan sebesar 442,851 juta dollar AS dan laba sebanyak 45,220 juta dollar AS.

Pada 10 besar daftar 500 perusahaan terbesar Fortune ini, terdapat tujuh perusahaan minyak. Maklum saja, tahun lalu harga minyak mentah dan komoditas tambang lainnya sedang dalam level tertinggi.

Berikut ini adalah daftar 10 besar perusahaan terbesar di dunia versi majalah Fortune:

1. Royal Dutch Shell
2. Exxon Mobil
3. Wal-Mart Stores
4. BP
5. Chevron
6. Total
7. Conoco Philips
8. ING Group
9. Sinopec
10. Toyota Motor

Total bom 500 Kg

Bom yang ditemukan tim Densus 88 di Jatiasih, Bekasi, Jawa Barat tidak tanggung-tanggung. Beratnya mencapai 0,5 ton.

"Total bom 500 Kg," kata sumber perwira tinggi di Mabes Polri kepada detikcom di lokasi penggerebekan di Perumahan Puri Nusapala, Jatiasih, Bekasi, Jumat (8/8/2009).

Menurut dia, ledakan yang ditimbulkan dari bom tersebut sangat dahsyat. "Ini lebih besar dari bom bali," jelasnya.

Dikatakan sumber tersebut, para tersangka menyiapkan bom tersebut di dalam 3 buah mobil. Kini bom itu telah dijinakkan dan mobil pengangkut bom sudah diamankan petugas. (irw/asy)

-Kronologi Pengepungan Rumah Noordin M Top di Temanggung

Jakarta - Rumah Mohzahri (70) yang beralamat di Desa Beji, RT 01/07, Kelurahan Kedu, Kecamatan Kedu, Temanggung masih terus dikepung Densus 88 hingga pukul 04.40 WIB, Sabtu (8/8/2009). Rumah ini sudah diintip Densus 88 sejak Kamis (6/8/2009).

Berikut kronologi pengepungan rumah berbatu bata tanpa plester ini seperti disampaikan sumber detikcom:

- Kamis (6/8/2009), sejumlah personel Densus 88 memantau lokasi rumah ini. Densus merapat ke rumah ini, karena ada laporan kegiatan mencurigakan di rumah itu. Diduga seorang pria bertubuh gempal yang diyakini sebagai Noordin Moh Top.

- Pengendusan itu kemudian dilanjutkan dengan upaya penangkap. Pada Jumat (7/8/2009) sore, ada lima orang yang diamankan polisi. Dua di antaranya bernama Aris dan Indra, yang merupakan keponakan Mohzahri. Keduanya diamankan di Pasar Parakan, Temanggung. Mereka ditangkap karena terpantau keluar dari rumah tersebut.

- Setelah menangkap lima orang itu, Tim Pemukul Densus 88 yang menumpang 3 mobil Kijang langsung mengepung rumah tersebut. Tim ini terdiri dari 15 anggota Gegana dan sniper. Namun, Densus tidak berani mengambil tindakan apa pun. Mereka bersenjata lengkap, mulai dari senjata laras panjang jenis styer, senjata tangan glock, rompi anti peluru dan granat tangan.

- Menjelang malam hari, aparat Densus 88 dengan pengeras suara meminta agar penghuni rumah menyerah. Namun, tidak ada satu pun penghuni rumah yang keluar dan menyerah.

- Akhirnya, sekitar pukul 19.00 WIB, aparat Densus 88 mundur dan mengepung rumah tersebut. Mereka tidak berani masuk ke dalam rumah, karena dari pengakuan sementara lima orang yang sudah ditangkap, di dalam rumah tersebut ada senjata dan bahan peledak.

- Sekitar pukul 19.15 WIB, polisi melokalisir area dan para sniper Densus mulai menembaki rumah tersebut setelah sebelumnya memberikan tembakan peringatan. Namun tembakan peringatan dibalas dengan tembakan dari dalam rumah.

Dari jenis suara tembakan dari dalam rumah, diperkirakan minimal ada dua senjata laras panjang karena ada suara tembakan dengan karakteristik suara senjata AK-47 dan senjata SS. Arah tembakan dari dalam rumah sangat terukur dan terarah ke Densus 88 yang atinya dilakukan oleh orang terlatih.

Tembakan dari dalam rumah hanya terdengar sesekali. sehingga diperkirakan amunisi atau peluru mereka terbatas.

- Dari pengakuan lima orang yang diamankan sebelumnya, diketahui bahwa di dalam rumah ada seseorang dengan karakteristik seperti Noordin Moh Top yang gempal dan kekar.

- Polisi tidak berani mennyerang karena takut ada ranjau di sekitar rumah dan bom bunuh diri yang melekat di tubuh orang-orang yang ada di dalam rumah tersebut.

- Rencananya pada pukul 05.30 WIB, setelah hari berganti pagi, Densus 88 akan mulai bergerak ke rumah itu. Hingga pukul 04.40 WIB, Densus 88 terus siaga sekitar 30 meter dari rumah itu.

Sumber :

Penggerebekan di Jatiasih 2 Bom Aktif Dijinakkan oleh Tim Gegana

Penggerebekan di Jatiasih
2 Bom Aktif Dijinakkan oleh Tim Gegana
Jakarta - Suasana di rumah di Jatiasih, Bekasi yang digerebek polisi masih tampak ramai. Kapolri Jenderal Pol Hendarso Danuri masih meninjau rumah yang ditempati kawanan teroris itu. Dua bom aktif masih diupayakan dijinakkan oleh Tim Gegana.

Pemantauan detikcom di lokasi, pukul 04.30 WIB, Sabtu (8/8/2009), rumah yang digerebek polisi itu bercat biru. Rumah yang diduga dihuni oleh kawanan Noordin Moh Top ini beralamatkan di Komplek Perumahan Puri Nusapala RT 04/12 Jatiasih.

Informasi dari aparat yang berjaga di lokasi, dalam penggerebekan pada Jumat (7/8/2009) malam hingga Sabtu dinihari, polisi menembak dua orang penghuni rumah itu yang mencoba kabur. Dua orang itu tewas. Belum diketahui identitas dua orang yang tewas itu.

Polisi juga menemukan sejumlah bahan peledak. Sedikitnya ada 5 bahan peledak yang terdiri dari granat dan bom yang ditemukan polisi. "Saat ini, masih ada dua bom aktif yang sedang dijinakkan oleh Tim Gegana," kata polisi itu.

Satu bom ditemukan di dalam rumah. Sedangkan satu bom lagi ditemukan di mobil pick up.

Saat ini, para pejabat Polri masih berkumpul di rumah itu. Selain Kapolri, hadir juga Kabareskrim Komjen Susno Duadji, Wakapolri Komjen Pol Makbul Padmanegara, dan Kepala Densus 88. Rencananya Kapolri akan menggelar jumpa pers.

Warga sekitar yang sudah berkumpul di perumahan itu dilarang polisi mendekati lokasi. Ada police line menuju rumah bercat biru. Hanya aparat kepolisian dan wartawan yang diperbolehkan mendekati lokasi. Tampak di dekat rumah itu, disiagakan mobil ambulans dan mobil pemadam kebakaran.


The provider of security management solutions launches Kaspersky Internet Security and Anti Virus 2010 for the Indonesian market. Kaspersky also makes the product special edition of Jackie Chan for users in Indonesia.

"This applies to those who purchase during the promotional period and will meet with the founder Eugene Kaspersky and the signature box on the Kaspersky," said Gun Suk Ling, Managing Director of Kaspersky Lab Southeast Asia in Jakarta, Wednesday (5 / 8).

He said that the founder Eugene Kaspersky Kaspersky akan present in Indonesia in early October to come. In addition to Eugene to visit Yogyakarta akan.

Nathan Wang Vice President Technical Division Apac said Kaspersky Lab Kaspersky engine has increased in the anti-virus products to detect malicious programs more effective. This is because programs 10:00 each day appear evil in the world.

Kaspersky approach to identify and oversee the activities of the global malware. Way through the Kaspersky Security Network (KSN) to obtain information from the new malware Kaspersky Lab millions of users who participated. Kaspersky Internet as a result in 2010 only need less than 40 minutes to identify the malicious programs that have not been known before, so it does not sacrifice menginfeksi computer.

According to Gun Suk Ling Kaspersky already has thousands of users in Indonesia. But Kaspersky will continue to increase in users, especially in the enterprise sector. "We have not been satisfied, therefore we will be more intensive in the enterprise," said Gun.

He mentions throughout the first semester of 2009, Kaspersky experienced 153% growth compared to 2008. Kaspersky is targeting 200% growth (year on year) until the end of 2009 in Indonesia

Google digeser Baidu china

Google are still left behind from Baidu. Users who use Baidu reached 75.7%, while Google only 19.8% successfully attract users.

Google has been struggling for years to entrap users of internet search that turned China's Baidu. Competition takes place both openly, including the search for free music downloads.

Users who use Baidu reached 75.7% in China in the second quarter. That number increased 1.6% compared to the first three months of this year, according to China Internet consultant iResearch.

Interesting Google search users 19.8%, down 1.1% dibandingan the previous quarter.

Meanwhile, Microsoft Bing even successful experience in China since the increase in the online early June. But the researchers call, Microsoft must continue to update their services in order to attract more users. Bing successfully get 0,3% search in China.

Google is only for users in the city, while on the fringe of Chinese prefer Baidu. Users use Google to search in English and back to Baidu for Chinese language searches.

Other researchers, Analysis International also get the same results in the increase of Baidu, and the decline in market share of Google. But Google's search volume is still a two-thirds from a year earlier

Tips Memperbaiki Keturunan

Judulnya nyeleneh yah gan hahahha tp serius gan bagi yg kulitnya hitam atau coklat gan hehehhe

Emonde Boas, seorang dokter asal Amerika bahkan pernah melakukan penelitian, dari 1400 lelaki yang didata mengidap penyakit lemah syahwat, hanya tujuh yang lemah karena sebab-sebab jasmani, yang lainya karena sebab rohani atau psikologis,"

Dia melanjutkan,
Sedangkan untuk anak berkulit putih bercahaya, bersetubuhan dilakukan dengan memperkirakan berakhirnya masa terbit fajar di pagi hari. Atau lebih tepatnya dilakukan usai solat subuh, antara pukul 05.15 hingga pukul 06.00 jika itu waktu di Indonesia. Ini sekaligus supaya mempermudah mandi junub.

Secara khusus kitab ini adalah menuntut pihak suami sebagai inisiator dan mengingatkan kepada istri, agar menyesuaikan waktu tidur dengan keinginan melakukan persetubuhan. Sebab ternyata, persoalan waktu amat berdampak secara psikologis maupun biologis, terutama pihak istri.

hahah hayoo dicoba gan bntr lagi loh gan hayo2 bangungin istri gan hahaha

Jual RUGI Batt e90 [BP-4L] ORIGINAL

Jual RUGI Batt e90 [BP-4L] ORIGINAL >.<~
Gw bli Batt bwat e90.. krna tadinya gw mo bli e90..
akhirnya budget ga mencukupi
Jadi gw pake HP yg laen skrg >.<~

Jadi yang mau Batt e90 alias BP-4L
Asli NOKIA and Packing.. Ga pernah di buka.. bner2 baruu >.<~

Harganya 350rb (nego)
Soalnya gw bner2 ga pake dlu.. Negonya jgn sadis yah >.<~
jual rugiiiii~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!! >.<~

kirim bisa melalui JNE.. Murah koq.. cm 1 kg ga nyampe -___-"

klo minat.., Hubungi yah~~~~~!!!!!!!


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Monday, August 3, 2009

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Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Holes in the Earth: 170 and Counting

When a meteorite struck Earth before humans were around to watch, did it still make a "splat?" Although it's too late to witness the many pummelings our planet has already seen, scientists are still finding the humongous holes left here by long ago impacting space rocks.

At last count, there were more than 170 known impact craters on our planet, according to the Earth Impact Database maintained by the University of New Brunswick in Canada. These puncture wounds are littered over every continent, as well as the seafloor.

There would be countless more if it weren't for Earth's constant remodeling. Plates shift, mountains form, volcanoes erupt and erosion washes over the planet's surface, continually hiding the evidence of most craters.

"If there was no erosion or tectonic activity, we would look like the moon," said Lucy Thompson, a geologist at the University of New Brunswick. "The moon is just pockmarked with impact craters."

Puzzling differences

Scientists think the Earth was bombarded more heavily earlier in the solar system's history, when planets were still forming and bushels of debris were flying madly around. Luckily for us, things have quieted down lately and meteorite impacts are few and far between.

One of Earth's most recently-formed holes is Arizona's Barringer Meteor Crater, created around 50,000 years ago. Though this crater, one of the most famous, awes tourists with its roughly three-quarters of a mile (1.2 km) diameter, it is considered quite dinky on the geological scale.

"That's a nice, simple bowl-shaped crater," Thompson said.

Geologists get really excited about complex craters, such as Manicouagan in Quebec, Canada. Scientists estimate this crater is more than a hundred times wider than Barringer, and was made more than 200 million years ago.

"With large impacts, you have complex craters forming, and instead of having a nice bowl shape, you get a central uplift," Thompson told "It's like if you drop something in water, you get rings forming, but the middle comes back up."

Scientists want to understand how the rock achieves this without actually becoming liquid or shattering into pieces.

Big and bad

A major heavyweight is South Africa's Vredefort crater, which at 186 miles (300 km) wide, is said to be Earth's largest verified impact crater. At more than 2 billion years old, it is also one of the most ancient.

Other contenders are the 155 mile-wide (250 km-wide) Sudbury Basin in Ontario, Canada, and the roughly 110 mile-wide (180 km-wide) Chicxulub crater, half submerged off the coast of the Yucatán Peninsula in Mexico.

The latter can claim fame as the landing spot of the asteroid that purportedly killed the dinosaurs, along with most life on Earth.

If it weren't for erosion and other geological processes that erase evidence of craters, there would likely be hundreds of thousands of impact craters on the Earth, Thompson said. Scientists are still discovering new craters, especially in remote areas and on the seafloor where evidence of them is easily missed.

Top 10 Ways to Destroy Earth

existence failure

You will need: nothing

Method: No method. Simply sit back and twiddle your thumbs as, completely by chance, all 200,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 atoms making up the planet Earth suddenly, simultaneously and spontaneously cease to exist. Note: the odds against this actually ever occurring are considerably greater than a googolplex to one. Failing this, some kind of arcane (read: scientifically laughable) probability-manipulation device may be employed.

Utter, utter rubbish.
Gobbled up by strangelets

You will need: a stable strangelet

Method: Hijack control of the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider in Brookhaven National Laboratory, Long Island, New York. Use the RHIC to create and maintain a stable strangelet. Keep it stable for as long as it takes to absorb the entire Earth into a mass of strange quarks. Keeping the strangelet stable is incredibly difficult once it has absorbed the stabilizing machinery, but creative solutions may be possible.

A while back, there was some media hoo-hah about the possibility of this actually happening at the RHIC, but in actuality the chances of a stable strangelet forming are pretty much zero.

Earth's final resting place: a huge glob of strange matter. Sucked into a microscopic black hole

You will need: a microscopic black hole. Note that black holes are not eternal, they evaporate due to Hawking radiation. For your average black hole this takes an unimaginable amount of time, but for really small ones it could happen almost instantaneously, as evaporation time is dependent on mass. Therefore you microscopic black hole must have greater than a certain threshold mass, roughly equal to the mass of Mount Everest. Creating a microscopic black hole is tricky, since one needs a reasonable amount of neutronium, but may possibly be achievable by jamming large numbers of atomic nuclei together until they stick. This is left as an exercise to the reader.

Method: simply place your black hole on the surface of the Earth and wait. Black holes are of such high density that they pass through ordinary matter like a stone through the air. The black hole will plummet through the ground, eating its way to the center of the Earth and all the way through to the other side: then, it'll oscillate back, over and over like a matter-absorbing pendulum. Eventually it will come to rest at the core, having absorbed enough matter to slow it down. Then you just need to wait, while it sits and consumes matter until the whole Earth is gone.

Highly, highly unlikely. But not impossible.

Earth's final resting place: a singularity of almost zero size, which will then proceed to happily orbit the Sun as normal.

Source: "The Dark Side Of The Sun," by Terry Pratchett. It is true that the microscopic black hole idea is an age-old science fiction mainstay which predates Pratchett by a long time, he was my original source for the idea, so that's what I'm putting. Blown up by matter/antimatter reaction

You will need: 2,500,000,000,000 tons of antimatter

Antimatter - the most explosive substance possible - can be manufactured in small quantities using any large particle accelerator, but this will take some considerable time to produce the required amounts. If you can create the appropriate machinery, it may be possible - and much easier - simply to "flip" 2.5 trillion tons of matter through a fourth dimension, turning it all to antimatter at once.

Method: This method involves detonating a bomb so big that it blasts the Earth to pieces.

How hard is that?

The gravitational binding energy of a planet of mass M and radius R is - if you do the lengthy calculations - given by the formula E=(3/5)GM^2/R. For Earth, that works out to roughly 224,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 Joules. The Sun takes nearly a WEEK to output that much energy. Think about THAT.

To liberate that much energy requires the complete annihilation of around 2,500,000,000,000 tonnes of antimatter. That's assuming zero energy loss to heat and radiation, which is unlikely to be the case in reality: You'll probably need to up the dose by at least a factor of ten. Once you've generated your antimatter, probably in space, just launch it en masse towards Earth. The resulting release of energy (obeying Einstein's famous mass-energy equation, E=mc^2) should be sufficient to split the Earth into a thousand pieces.

Earth's final resting place: A second asteroid belt around the Sun.

Earliest feasible completion date: AD 2500. Of course, if it does prove possible to manufacture antimatter in the sufficiently large quantities you require - which is not necessarily the case - then smaller antimatter bombs will be around long before then. Destroyed by vacuum energy detonation

You will need: a light bulb

Method: This is a fun one. Contemporary scientific theories tell us that what we may see as vacuum is only vacuum on average, and actually thriving with vast amounts of particles and antiparticles constantly appearing and then annihilating each other. It also suggests that the volume of space enclosed by a light bulb contains enough vacuum energy to boil every ocean in the world. Therefore, vacuum energy could prove to be the most abundant energy source of any kind. Which is where you come in. All you need to do is figure out how to extract this energy and harness it in some kind of power plant - this can easily be done without arousing too much suspicion - then surreptitiously allow the reaction to run out of control. The resulting release of energy would easily be enough to annihilate all of planet Earth and probably the Sun too.

Slightly possible.

Earth's final resting place: a rapidly expanding cloud of particles of varying size.

Earliest feasible completion date: 2060 or so.

Source: "3001: The Final Odyssey," by Arthur C. Clarke Sucked into a giant black hole

You will need: a black hole, extremely powerful rocket engines, and, optionally, a large rocky planetary body. The nearest black hole to our planet is 1600 light years from Earth in the direction of Sagittarius, orbiting V4641.

Method: after locating your black hole, you need get it and the Earth together. This is likely to be the most time-consuming part of this plan. There are two methods, moving Earth or moving the black hole, though for best results you'd most likely move both at once.

Very difficult, but definitely possible.

Earth's final resting place: part of the mass of the black hole.

Earliest feasible completion date: I do not expect the necessary technology to be available until AD 3000, and add at least 800 years for travel time. (That's in an external observer's frame of reference and assuming you move both the Earth and the black hole at the same time.)

Sources: "The Hitch Hiker's Guide To The Galaxy," by Douglas Adams; Meticulously and systematically deconstructed

You will need: a powerful mass driver, or ideally lots of them; ready access to roughly 2*10^32J

Method: Basically, what we're going to do here is dig up the Earth, a big chunk at a time, and boost the whole lot of it into orbit. Yes. All six sextillion tons of it. A mass driver is a sort of oversized electromagnetic railgun, which was once proposed as a way of getting mined materials back from the Moon to Earth - basically, you just load it into the driver and fire it upwards in roughly the right direction. We'd use a particularly powerful model - big enough to hit escape velocity of 11 kilometers per second even after atmospheric considerations - and launch it all into the Sun or randomly into space.

Alternate methods for boosting the material into space include loading the extracted material into space shuttles or taking it up via space elevator. All these methods, however, require a - let me emphasize this - titanic quantity of energy to carry out. Building a Dyson sphere ain't gonna cut it here. (Note: Actually, it would. But if you have the technology to build a Dyson sphere, why are you reading this?) See No. 6 for a possible solution.

If we wanted to and were willing to devote resources to it, we could start this process RIGHT NOW. Indeed, what with all the gunk left in orbit, on the Moon and heading out into space, we already have done.

Earth's final resting place: Many tiny pieces, some dropped into the Sun, the remainder scattered across the rest of the Solar System.

Earliest feasible completion date: Ah. Yes. At a billion tons of mass driven out of the Earth's gravity well per second: 189,000,000 years.

Source: this method arose when Joe Baldwin and I knocked our heads together by accident. Pulverized by impact with blunt instrument

You will need: a big heavy rock, something with a bit of a swing to it... perhaps Mars

Method: Essentially, anything can be destroyed if you hit it hard enough. ANYTHING. The concept is simple: find a really, really big asteroid or planet, accelerate it up to some dazzling speed, and smash it into Earth, preferably head-on but whatever you can manage. The result: an absolutely spectacular collision, resulting hopefully in Earth (and, most likely, our "cue ball" too) being pulverized out of existence - smashed into any number of large pieces which if the collision is hard enough should have enough energy to overcome their mutual gravity and drift away forever, never to coagulate back into a planet again.

A brief analysis of the size of the object required can be found here. Falling at the minimal impact velocity of 11 kilometers per second and assuming zero energy loss to heat and other energy forms, the cue ball would have to have roughly 60% of the mass of the Earth. Mars, the next planet out, "weighs" in at about 11% of Earth's mass, while Venus, the next planet in and also the nearest to Earth, has about 81%. Assuming that we would fire our cue ball into Earth at much greater than 11km/s (I'm thinking more like 50km/s), either of these would make great possibilities.

Obviously a smaller rock would do the job, you just need to fire it faster. A 10,000,000,000,000-tonne asteroid at 90% of light speed would do just as well. See the Guide to moving Earth for useful information on maneuvering big hunks of rock across interplanetary distances.

Pretty plausible.

Earth's final resting place: a variety of roughly Moon-sized chunks of rock, scattered haphazardly across the greater Solar System.

Earliest feasible completion date: AD 2500, maybe?

Source: This method suggested by Andy Kirkpatrick Eaten by von Neumann machines

You will need: a single von Neumann machine

Method: A von Neumann machine is any device that is capable of creating an exact copy of itself given nothing but the necessary raw materials. Create one of these that subsists almost entirely on iron, magnesium, aluminum and silicon, the major elements found in Earth's mantle and core. It doesn't matter how big it is as long as it can reproduce itself exactly in any period of time. Release it into the ground under the Earth's crust and allow it to fend for itself. Watch and wait as it creates a second von Neumann machine, then they create two more, then they create four more. As the population of machines doubles repeatedly, the planet Earth will, terrifyingly soon, be entirely eaten up and turned into a swarm of potentially sextillions of machines. Technically your objective would now be complete - no more Earth - but if you want to be thorough then you can command your VNMs to hurl themselves, along with any remaining trace elements, into the Sun. This hurling would have to be achieved using rocket propulsion of some sort, so be sure to include this in your design.

So crazy it might just work.

Earth's final resting place: the bodies of the VNMs themselves, then a small lump of iron sinking into the Sun.

Earliest feasible completion date: Potentially 2045-2050, or even earlier.

Source: "2010: Odyssey Two," by Arthur C. Clarke Hurled into the Sun

You will need: Earthmoving equipment

Method: Hurl the Earth into the Sun. Sending Earth on a collision course with the Sun is not as easy as one might think; even though you don't actually have to literally hit the Sun (send the Earth near enough to the Sun (within the Roche limit), and tidal forces will tear it apart), it's surprisingly easy to end up with Earth in a loopy elliptical orbit which merely roasts it for four months in every eight. But careful planning can avoid this.

This is impossible at our current technological level, but will be possible one day, I'm certain. In the meantime, may happen by freak accident if something comes out of nowhere and randomly knocks Earth in precisely the right direction. Earth's final resting place: a small globule of vaporized iron sinking slowly into the heart of the Sun.

Earliest feasible completion date: Via act of God: 25 years' time. Any earlier and we'd have already spotted the asteroid in question. Via human intervention: given the current level of expansion of space technology, 2250 at best.

Source: "Infinity Welcomes Careful Drivers," by Grant Naylor

Jupiter dihantam meteor

The recent bruising Jupiter received from a cosmic impact is a violent reminder that our solar system is a shooting gallery that sometimes blasts Earth.

Still, what are the odds of a cosmic impact threatening our planet?

So far 784 near-Earth objects (NEOs) more than a half-mile wide (1 km) have been found.

"If an object of about the same size that just hit Jupiter also hit Earth — it was probably a typical cometary object of a kilometer or so in size (0.6 miles) — it would have been fairly catastrophic," explained astronomer Donald Yeomans, manager of NASA's Near-Earth Object program office at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif.

Scientists have ruled out the chances of an Earth impact for all of these 784 large NEOs. Still, lesser objects also pose a risk, and researchers estimate more than 100 large NEOS remain to be found.

Small risk

Billions of years ago, impacts were far more common. Our moon retains a record of the pummeling it and Earth took: the moon's craters remain, while on Earth, most scars of ancient impacts have been folded back into the planet or weathered away.

Today's solar system is far less crowded, and in fact Jupiter, having more mass and gravity, scoops up a lot of the dangerous objects, as does the sun.

Currently just one NEO of all the objects scientists are tracking poses any significant chance of hitting the Earth — 2007 VK184. If this roughly 425-foot-wide (130 meters) asteroid hit our planet, it would strike with an energy of roughly 150 million tons of TNT, or more than 10,000 times that of the atom bomb dropped on Hiroshima.

Roughly 100 telescopic observations made so far suggest that 2007 VK184 has a 1-in-2,940 chance of hitting Earth 40 to 50 years from now. However, if the past is any guide, further observations to refine computations of its orbit very likely will downgrade its probability of hitting Earth to virtually nothing, Yeomans said.

Of remaining concern are the NEOs that we do not see. Researchers suspect about 156 large NEOs 1 kilometer in diameter or larger remain to be found, and when it comes to dangerous NEOs in general, "when we get down to 140 meters (460 feet) or larger diameter objects, we think we've discovered about 15 percent of them, and with 50 meters (164 feet) or larger diameter, we've discovered less than 5 percent of them," Yeomans explained.

On average, an NEO roughly a half-mile wide or larger hits the Earth roughly every 500,000 years, "so we're not expecting one anytime soon," Yeomans explained.

"For 500 meters (1,640 feet), we're talking a mean interval of about 100,000 years," he added. "When you get down to 50 meters, the mean interval is about 700 years, and for 30 meters (98 feet), about 140 years or so, but by then you're getting down to a size where you won't expect any ground damage, as they burn up in the atmosphere at about 25 meters (82 feet) in diameter and smaller, probably for an impressive fireball event."

When it comes to truly monstrous NEOs some 10 kilometers (6.2 miles) or larger, of the size thought to have helped kill off the dinosaurs, "that's a 100 million year event, and in fact, I don't think there is anything like that we see right now," Yeomans said. "The largest near-Earth object that can actually cross the Earth's path, Sisyphus, has a diameter of 8 kilometers (5 miles), and the largest that is termed a potential hazard is Toutatis, which has a diameter of approximately 5.4 km (3.35 miles)."

Keeping watch

There are currently four teams worldwide actively looking for both large and small NEOs, Yeomans said. "We're concentrating on the large ones for now, but hopefully with the next generation of search, we'll be more efficient in finding the smaller objects, to find 90 percent of the total population of potential hazards larger than 140 meters," he added.

Keeping an eye on NEOs might not just be healthy for humanity, but also help lead us out into space.

"They're easy objectives to get to, and asteroids have significant metal resources that can be mined, while comets have significant water resources for space habitats or travel," Yeomans said. "If you want to build a habitat in space, you're not going to build it all on the ground and launch it up, since that's too expensive — you want to go up and look for resources instead."

Furthermore, asteroids and comets are among the objects that have changed the least since the birth of the solar system roughly 4.6 billion years ago, and might reveal vital clues behind the mysterious process.

"They may well have delivered the water and carbon-based molecules to Earth that allowed life to form, so they're extremely important for study in that direction," Yeomans added.

Monday, July 27, 2009


Cheap BlackBerry candidate comes?
27 July 2009 Topic: General News | | Category: General

When BlackBerry manufacturer Research in Motion (Rim) is able to realize the selling full-service office in Indonesia on 21 August to come, is, some enterprising operator will return the BlackBerry handset teranyarnya.

BlackBerry Handset Anyar closest greet users of the country is likely Gemini aka BlackBerry 9300 BlackBerry. Indosat, XL, and Axis-service operator is still awaiting a commitment Rim selling its full-service appropriate given appropriate due.

"In fact we are ready to make a promotional for the Gemini," said Handono Warih, BlackBerry and 3G Broadband Manager, Enterprise and Carrier, Excelcomindo Pratama (XL).

According to him, XL still not get the time schedule of the rim at about the Gemini will released. "We expect to be able to become the first operator, which provides BlackBerry Gemini," said Warih.

In fact, he explains, sedianya Rim is scheduled to officially release this product in Indonesia, in July. However, because the government demanded Rim to immediately provide after-sales service offices in Indonesia, this plan into float and molor of schedule.

Section, if the rim does not immediately obey the demands of government, the government will not issue a certification to more handset-handset rim, so that they can no longer be the latest Blackberry handset models in India. "We hope, BlackBerry Gemini can be sold before the wordiness," Warih add.

In addition to XL, Indosat likely to become the first operator to provide handset Gemini, is also wide open. According to the Marketing Director of Indosat Guntur S Siboro, Indosat also allow the import process BlackBerry Gemini to Indonesia.

"We are still awaiting a commitment Rim, because everything depends on the secretion of certification," said Guntur to VIVAnews. According to Guntur, Gemini BlackBerry handset itself is the intended market for a more low-end, so the price can also cheaper.

Guntur explained, Gemini has a mobile phone similar specifications, such as Javelin (BlackBerry 8900), with some lack of Javelin. "The ability Gemini camera still under Javelin," said Guntur.

So, if Javelin 3.2 megapixel camera, the camera is 2 megapixel Gemini. In addition, the quality of the handset Gemini also still under the Javelin. However, Guntur words, have the memory capacity is greater than the Javelin, and it features WiFi connection.

Javelin handset itself is a network working in quad-band GSM (non-3G), has a screen TFT LCD 480 x 360 pixels, GPS integrated, with a processor speed 512 MHz with 256 MB of RAM memory. He was able to corroborate the XviD and DivX video, but no player has a FM radio.

With some lack of Javelin, issues that arise from the operator penggadang BlackBerry handset said that this possibility can dibanderol worth Rp 2 million. Guntur is not likely to decline. "I was just about price," he said.

However, he dare not sure, because the order was still not kelar. This senada disclosed by Warih. "It can be sold around the Gemini (Rp 2 millions). When you have competitors who sell the service at that, we should sell with a price that is also competitive," said Warih

Release the Crowley/Gates tapes

UPDATE]: Welcome, Instapundit readers.

This comment by Jack Dunphy over the entire Gates brouhaha resonates with me:

So, since the president is keen on offering instruction, here is what I would advise he teach his Ivy League pals, and anyone else who may find himself unexpectedly confronted by a police officer: You may be as pure as the driven snow itself, but you have no idea what horrible crime that police officer might suspect you of committing. You may be tooling along on a Sunday drive in your 1932 Hupmobile when, quite unknown to you, someone else in a 1932 Hupmobile knocks off the nearby Piggly Wiggly. A passing police officer sees you and, asking himself how many 1932 Hupmobiles can there be around here, pulls you over. At that moment I can assure you the officer is not all that concerned with trying not to offend you. He is instead concerned with protecting his mortal hide from having holes placed in it where God did not intend. And you, if in asserting your constitutional right to be free from unlawful search and seizure fail to do as the officer asks, run the risk of having such holes placed in your own.

When the officer has satisfied himself that it was not you and your Hupmobile that were involved in the Piggly Wiggly heist, he owes you an explanation for the stop and an apology for the inconvenience, but if you’re running your mouth about your rights and your history of oppression and what have you, you’re likely to get neither.

…because I was actually in a situation like this once. A couple of friends of mine and I were coming back from a play, and the cops pulled us over because a car just like my friend’s had been involved in an armed robbery; and my friend unfortunately looked a little like the suspect. Fortunately, we were all scrupulously polite, none of us had robbed a retail establishment, and we all had identification indicating that the three of us were two doctors and a library studies grad student, not an armed and dangerous criminal gang - which I’m sure was as much a relief to the cop as it was to us. Given that he was risking his life, and we weren’t.

That’s the point: the cop didn’t know that he was dealing with three people who meant him no harm. And at the time, we didn’t really think about how this entire situation (which ranged for us from annoying to funny) looked to him.

There are a bunch of people out there who would like to see the tapes of the incident released; I’m one of them, simply because at this point it’s probably the only way to resolve this matter one way or the other. If the material on them is unfavorable to Officer Crowley, best that we find this out now so that we can do something about it; if it’s not, then the sooner Gates can go back to being a moderately obscure Harvard professor. I assume that by now there’s going to be allegations of a coverup/whitewash either way that the story resolves. I also assume that releasing the tapes will help make sure that said allegations aren’t widely named.

So, release the Crowley/Gates tapes.

Moe Lane

Blackberry tour niagara

Blackberry tour niagara
BlackBerry continues to innovate and has prepared a new type of smartphone that will soon enter the market, the BlackBerry Tour. BlackBerry Niagara Tour alias is claimed as a contradiction of the Blackberry Javelin Curve popular among general consumers, with the BlackBerry Bold's target market is corporate.

Tour the physical form does not vary dramatically with other BlackBerry handsets, with the form of a candy bar and also the existence of the QWERTY keyboard. However Rim BlackBerry product claims Tour is big step for the rim.

Rim mentions Tour as a 'world phone' because the handset can easily access data and voice services on the network that are outside of the user. To further entrap customers, dibenami Tour mumpuni multimedia features like 3.2 megapixel camera and media player quality.

Other facilities included in the Tour, including HSDPA, GPS, Bluetooth, and GPS navigation. Be pitied, but simply that there is not feature Wi-Fi in it.

Tour has dimensions 4.4 x 2.4 x 0.6 inch with a weight of 5.2 oz. The same as other models, this Tour has a track with the ball in the middle. Meanwhile, for the processor that uses Qualcomm is 528 MHz with OS 4.7


After success with Nexianberry now Nexian mengandeng Indosat mobile phone market Nexian NX G911 mobile phone market in Indonesia. Indosat oppugn participate if his follow-up to-market mobile phone that Nexian. "Each service has its own strategy and focus for self-ponselnya market," said Marketing Communication Division Head Indosat, Andy interrupt the launch of Jobs in the mobile phone package Handphone Online Nexian Indosat, the Hard Rock Cafe, Jakarta, Thursday (16/7/2009) the night .

Handphone Online, the prices as much dibanderol with Rp999 thousand. Super cheap mobile phone is dibundling bonus bid with a variety of interesting. Bonuses, among other things, free internet IM3 700 minutes and 100 minutes bonus internet. Every purchase Handphone Online akan mendapatka two cards of Mentari and IM3. In addition, buyers will also get an application built in, such as Facebook, Opera Mini and Mig33.

Currently, Indosat akan new market as much 100 thousand units Nexian G911 mobile phone in some cities in Indonesia. "Until now almost sold more than 2200 units," said Andy.

Meanwhile, Director of Product Metrotech, Isnur Rochmad Nexian as the distributor says, we are very proud of the response from this indosat berariti Products Nexian get trust from Indosaat and can disejajarkan with other products.

According to Fuad Fachroeddin, Integrated Marketing Group Head Indosat, now ii no more obstacles for those who often shoot the online and mobile phone online because they easily enjoy all the benefits including a bonus given for kterus and communicate online when and wherever.

Meanwhile, from the handset consists of NX G9111 GSM Dual 900/1800MHZ, Color LCD, MP3 Player, FM Radio, GPSR, Camera, Voice Recorder, Audio Recorder, Stereo Speker, Bluetooth, Handsfree and warranty for 12 months

Sunday, July 19, 2009

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Sunday, July 5, 2009

10 laptop terbaik

Image representing Eee PC as depicted in Crunc...Image via CrunchBase

Sekarang Ane maw coba post neah 10 Neetbook Terbaik 2009 ^^..
inilah categorinyaaaa...

1.Asus Eee PC 1000HE

CPU: 1,66-GHz Intel Atom N280, Display Size (inches): 10 “Display, Wide Screen: Yes, Total HD Size (GB): 160GB Hard Drive, Min. Berat (lbs.): 3.2Lbs.

2.Acer Aspire ONE AOD150

CPU: 1,6-GHz Intel Atom N270, Display Size (inches): 10 “Display, Wide Screen: Yes, Total HD Size (GB): 160GB Hard Drive, Min. Berat (lbs.): 2.9Lbs.

3.Lenovo Ideapad S10

CPU: 1,6-GHz Intel Atom N270, Display Size (inches): 10,2 “Display, Wide Screen: Yes, Total HD Size (GB): 160GB Hard Drive, Min. Berat (lbs.): 2.7Lbs.

4.Acer Aspire ONE

CPU: 1,6-GHz Intel Atom N270, Display Size (inches): 8,9 “Display, Wide Screen: Yes, Total HD Size (GB): 120GB Hard Drive, Min. Berat (lbs.): 2.3Lbs.

5.Asus Eee PC 1000 XP

CPU: 1,6-GHz Intel Atom N270, Display Size (inches): 10 “Display, Wide Screen: Yes, Total HD Size (GB): 80GB Hard Drive, Min. Berat (lbs.): 3.2Lbs.

6.HP Mini 2140

CPU: 1,6-GHz Intel Atom N270, Display Size (inches): 10,1 “Display, Wide Screen: Yes, Total HD Size (GB): 160GB Hard Drive, Min. Berat (lbs.): 2.6Lbs.

7.Asus N10JC

CPU: 1,6-GHz Intel Atom N270, Display Size (inches): 10,2 “Display, Wide Screen: Yes, Total HD Size (GB): 160GB Hard Drive, Min. Berat (lbs.): 3.5Lbs.

8.HP mini 1000

CPU: 1,6-GHz Intel Atom N270, Display Size (inches): 10,2 “Display, Wide Screen: Yes, Total HD Size (GB): 60GB Hard Drive, Min. Berat (lbs.): 2.25Lbs.

9.Dell Inspiron Mini 9

CPU: 1,6-GHz Intel Atom N270, Display Size (inches): 8,9 “Display, Total HD Size (GB): 8GB Hard Drive, Min. Berat (lbs.):2.3Lbs.

10.MSI Wind U100

CPU: 1,6-GHz Intel Atom N270, Display Size (inches): 10 “Display, Wide Screen: Yes, Total HD Size (GB): 80GB Hard Drive, Min. Berat (lbs.): 2.6Lbs.


Human brain consists of more than 100 billion nerve of each associated with 10 thousand other nerve. Imagine, with the complexity of the brain like that, then you must love your brain enough to avoid bad habits that often .

The brain is a vital organ which is the central nerve system control center. Set mengkordinir brain and most of the movement, behavior and body functions such as homeostasis tap the heart, blood pressure, body fluid balance and body temperature.

The brain is also responsible for functions such as introduction, emotional. memory, motor learning, and all other forms of learning.

Truly, a task which is very complex and many. So, Avoid bad habits below if you still want your brain to work properly.1. Does not want breakfast

Many people menyepelekan breakfast, but do not consume food in the morning cause the decrease in blood sugar. This result in a lack of nutrition on brain inputs which eventually ended in the setback brain.

2. Most meals

Too many meals increase brain vessel that usually lead to the decrease of our mental strength.

3. Smoking

Smoking appeared to result in very egregious in our brain. Imagine, we can shrink the brain and eventually lose the function-function. Surefire diwaktu old Alzheimer us vulnerable.

4. Consume too much sugar

Feed is too much sugar will prevent absorption of protein and nutrition so that the body of nutrition and lack of development of the brain is interrupted.

5. Air pollution

The brain is the body that absorb most of the air. Too long in the environment with air berpolusi make the brain does not work efficiently.

6. Poor sleep

Sleep gives the brain the opportunity to rest. Sleep often neglect to make the brain cells die is fatigue.

7. Covering the head while sleeping

Sleeping with the head covered is a bad habit that is very dangerous because the carbon dioxide produced during sleep, so concentrated tercemar brain. Do not wonder if the long run the brain become damaged.

8. Thinking too hard when you're sick

Working hard or studying the condition when the body is not fit memperparah also ketidakefektifan brain.

9. The lack of brain stimulation

Thinking is the best way to train the brain work. Less to think it makes the brain shrink and ultimately does not work optimally.

10. Rarely speak

Intellectual conversations usually take effect on the working brain

Love your brain .

Trik Jitu Raih Orgasme Berkelanjutan

ANY body seems impossible to reach if not sustainable orgasme have special tricks when in bed. What?

See three secret orgasme achieve sustainable

1. Women's sexual pleasure sensation

Smell great in the mouth

Awalilah 'game' in love with the land and a warm gentle kiss on the lips of red merona. After that, you can continue the action smell an important part of the body with a pair utilizing your tongue. Do improvised manner and follow your own mood.

Sensual massage

Not only the attention and affection, but the woman was always miss a massage at the intimate body experience fatigue due to work load. Use fingers to your hand sensation that make him the forget.

Bathroom with

Bathroom with couples is the most exciting events that make the women be expected. Now, you can perform the action of soap body soap beraromaterapi with the pair. Or you can create a 'game' in love with a more exciting couple invites berendam up in the bath that already with bebungaan. Start your scent seduce couples with the mouth area, neck, and the breast.

2. Male sexual pleasure sensation

Open shirt slowly

Now is time womanhood berunjuk teeth. Awalilah you open the shirt slowly, and continues to provide stimulus to the sexual parts of the body couple.

Gentle massage around Mr P

Not only the womenfolk are like soft massage, men also like it. They say, men are like spouses do massage intimate sensation around Mr P.

Intimate kiss on the neck to the area Mr P

On stage foreplay or sexual stimulation does not feel akan favor without a kiss. Therefore, the man was very happy when spouses provide intimate kiss on the neck to Mr P.

3. Sexual pleasure sensation second pair

Honey is not only function as penambah comfort food in a menu, but it useful to add a sexual pleasure. Now, you and your partner can spread honey lips to each event so that smooch be more fun. If you want to enjoy the 'game' in love again over summer, you can spread the honey around the breast and that you have to spend the honeymoon.

Use the lid

Each pair always want to create a 'game' when in the bed of love. Therefore, you are harmless when using the cover of you and your partner are make. When it is you and your partner can feel the passion of love that surge.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Kecelakaan terburuk dan termahal sepanjang sejarah dunia

Sepanjang sejarah, manusia harus selalu menjadi rawan kecelakaan. Beberapa, seperti mobil eksotik crash dilihat pada halaman ini, bisa jadi sangat mahal. Tetapi itu sepele dibandingkan dengan benar-benar mahal kecelakaan. Kecelakaan didefinisikan sebagai "yang tidak dikehendaki atau kurang terjadi yang terjadi biasanya tdk sengaja dan hasil dalam bahaya, cedera, kerusakan, atau kerugian".Tujuan kami adalah untuk bagian atas daftar 10 kecelakaan paling mahal dalam sejarah dunia sebagai diukur dalam dolar.
Ini termasuk kerusakan harta benda dan pengeluaran yang timbul berkaitan dengan kecelakaan seperti pembersihan dan industri kerugian.Banyak dari ini melibatkan korban kecelakaan yang jelas tidak bisa diukur dalam dolar istilah. Setiap kehidupan yang hilang dan tidak ternilai faktor ke dalam rumusan. Merundingkan tindakan seperti perang atau terorisme dan bencana alam tidak memenuhi syarat sebagai kecelakaan dan karena itu tidak termasuk dalam daftar ini.

# 10. Titanic - $ 150 Juta
Yang tenggelam di Titanic adalah kemungkinan kecelakaan yang paling terkenal di dunia. Tetapi baru-baru ini kami membuat daftar top 10 paling mahal. Pada tanggal 15 April 1912, the Titanic sank pada pelayaran pertama dan dianggap paling mewah ocean liner pernah dibangun.Lebih dari 1.500 orang kehilangan nyawa ketika kapal berlari menjadi sebuah gunung es dan terselam dalam air dingin. Kapal biaya $ 7 juta untuk membangun ($ 150 juta dolar di hari ini).

9. Truk tangki vs Bridge - $ 358 Juta
Pada tanggal 26 Agustus 2004, sebuah mobil tabrakan dengan truk tangki berisi 32.000 liter bahan bakar di Jembatan Wiehltal di Jerman. Tangki yang tertabrak melalui guardrail dan jatuh 90 kaki di bagian A4 jalan tol dihasilkan dalam sebuah ledakan besar dan api yang hancur beban-bearing kemampuan jembatan.Sementara biaya perbaikan $ 40 juta dan biaya untuk mengganti jembatan diperkirakan pada $ 318 Juta.

8. MetroLink Crash - $ 500 Juta
Pada 12 September 2008, dalam apa yang merupakan salah satu yang terburuk di California tabrakan kereta sejarah, 25 orang tewas ketika sebuah kereta api Metrolink commuter tabarakan kepala dengan Uni Pasifik pengiriman kereta di Los Angeles.Hal ini beranggapan bahwa kereta Metrolink mungkin dijalankan melalui sinyal merah sementara konduktor sibuk pesan teks.Kematian salah lawsuits diharapkan menyebabkan $ 500 juta untuk kerugian di Metrolink.

7.B-2 Bomber Crash - $ 1,4 Miliar
Disini kita memiliki kami pertama miliar dolar kecelakaan (dan kami hanya # 7 pada daftar). Ini B-2 stealth bomber bertabrakan segera setelah mengambil dari sebuah pangkalan udara di Guam pada 23 Februari 2008. Penyelidik memberikan data dalam penerbangan kontrol komputer yang disebabkan oleh uap air pada system. Hal ini mengakibatkan pesawat terbang tiba-tiba membuat hidung bergerak-up yang dibuat B-2 menabrak dan jatuh Ini adalah 1 dari hanya 21 pernah dibangun dan merupakan bagian yang paling mahal dalam sejarah penerbangan kecelakaan.Kedua pilot mampu menyemburkan untuk keselamatan.
6. Exxon Valdez - $ 2,5 Miliar
Minyak Exxon Valdez yang tumpah tidak besar dalam kaitannya dengan dunia spills minyak terbesar, namun hal ini merupakan satu mahal karena lokasi yang jauh dari Prince William Sound (hanya dapat diakses oleh helikopter dan kapal). Pada tanggal 24 Maret 1989, 10,8 juta galon minyak telah jatuh ketika kapal tuan, Yusuf Hazelwood, bertabrakan,biaya pembersihan Exxon $ 2,5 milia
5. Piper Alpha Oil Rig - $ 3,4 Miliar
Bencana terburuk di dunia penambangan minyak lepas pantai. Pada satu waktu, ia di dunia satu produsen minyak terbesar, menghasilkan dari 317.000 barel minyak per hari. Pada Juli 6, 1988, sebagai bagian dari perawatan rutin, dan teknisi dihapus dicentang keselamatan katup yang penting dalam mencegah berbahaya baik-baik dari gas cair. Terdapat 100 identik keselamatan katup yang dicentang. Sayangnya, teknisi melakukan kesalahan dan lupa untuk mengganti salah satu dari mereka. Pada 10 malam yang sama, seorang teknisi yang mulai tombol ditekan untuk pompa cair dan gas di dunia paling mahal minyak rig kecelakaan itu menggerakkan.
Dalam waktu 2 jam, 300 kaki adalah platform engulfed dalam api. Itu akhirnya roboh, menewaskan 167 pekerja dan mengakibatkan $ 3,4 Miliar di kerusakan.
4.Challenger Explosion - $ 5,5 Miliar
Space Shuttle Challenger telah hancur 73 detik setelah takeoff karena pada 28 Januari 1986 karena adanya cacat O-ring. Ia gagal mencerai salah satu bagiannya, yang memungkinkan untuk mencapai gas diberi tekanan udara luar. Ini pada gilirannya menyebabkan tangki eksternal untuk meledaknya tangki hidrogen yang menyebabkan ledakan besar. Biaya penggantian Space Shuttle was $ 2 miliar pada tahun 1986 ($ 4,5 miliar dolar di hari ini). Biaya penyidikan, masalah koreksi, dan penggantian peralatan yang hilang biaya $ 450 juta 1986-1987 ($ 1 Milyar pada hari ini dolar).

3.Prestige Oil Spill - $ 12 Miliar
Pada tanggal 13 November 2002, Truk tangki minyak Prestige yang membawa 77.000 ton bahan bakar minyak berat tenggelam, yang disebut kapten untuk membantu menyelamatkan pekerja dari Spanyol, mengharapkan mereka untuk mengambil kapal ke pelabuhan. Namun, tekanan dari pihak yang berwenang yang dipaksa untuk memimpin kapten kapal jauh dari pantai. Kapten yang mencoba untuk mendapatkan bantuan dari Perancis dan Portugis berwenang, tetapi juga memerintahkan kapal mereka jauh dari pantai. Badai yang akhirnya membawa para tol di kapal dihasilkan di dalam setengah tangki menggelikan dan melepaskannya 20 juta galon minyak ke laut.
Menurut laporan oleh Dewan Pontevedra Economist, total biaya pembersihan $ 12 miliar.
2. Ruang Shuttle Columbia - $ 13 Miliar
Space Shuttle Columbia adalah yang pertama di ruang layak shuttle NASA's orbital armada.Ia hancur saat masuk kembali melalui Texas pada tanggal 1 Februari 2003 setelah lubang telah tertusuk di salah satu sayap memulai selama 16 hari sebelumnya. Yang datang ke $ 6,3 Miliar dolar di hari ini.$ 500 juta telah dikeluarkan pada penyelidikan, menjadi costliest investigasi kecelakaan pesawat dalam sejarah. Pencarian dan pemulihan puing biaya $ 300 juta.
Pada akhirnya, total biaya kecelakaan (tidak termasuk penggantian shuttle) datang ke $ 13 Miliar menurut American Institute of aeronautika dan Astronautics.
1. Billion Chernobyl - $ 200 Miliar
Pada tanggal 26 April 1986, dunia menyaksikan costliest kecelakaan dalam sejarah. Chernobyl bencana yang telah disebut terbesar sosial-ekonomi malapetaka sejarah di masa damai. 50% dari luas wilayah Ukraina dalam beberapa cara ketularan. Lebih dari 200.000 orang terpaksa diungsikan dan tempat tinggal sementara 1,7 juta orang yang secara langsung terkena dampak bencana.Kematian dikaitkan dengan Chernobyl tol, termasuk orang-orang yang mati karena kanker tahun kemudian, diperkirakan pada 125.000. Total biaya termasuk pembersihan, transmigrasi, dan kompensasi kepada para korban diperkirakan telah menjadi sekitar $ 200 Miliar. Biaya baru baja tempat untuk tanaman nuklir Chernobyl akan biaya $ 2 miliar saja. Kecelakaan secara resmi dikaitkan dengan daya tanaman operator yang melanggar prosedur dan tanaman yang jahil yang diperlukan persyaratan keselamatan.